Volkana Volkana - War? Where My Enemy Lies

Heroes, the living are dead
War, the devil's burial
In a graveless heroes day
Where in their suits of armour
It becomes inpenetrable
The vison of their faces
Everything is dark
Where my enemy lies
Look, his sword cuts the sky
Between so clear clowds
And it gets down to the ground
Red of treason
Which doesn't allow the men rest
But you've got other lives
Only once is not enough

Heroes, the living are dead
It rains rocks from the sky
In the city of vallants
There, tired bodies
Minds empty of time
That repouse their eyes
In the women's white laps
In the surrender of a night
Where minutes are thousand hours
Heroes, the living are dead

Na intimidade de seu banheiro contorce o rosto
Numa condenação silenciosa
Nas suas feições se iluminam com o ódio ao ver
Que o sistema gasta milhões e milhões com armas e bombas
Nos dando tempo para morrer
Mas isso não é uma guerra positiva, é uma guerra de poderosos
Guerra de pessoas doentes, que nos dão tempo para morrer

Heroes, the living are dead
Not only of bread lives the man
His flood is our blood
They fight with hate for love
Fools the man
Who think that war
Will bring peace some day
Mediocre man
Note more than crazy nuts
Tormented by hate

Mas o tempo está desnorteado
Maldita sina que me fez nascer um dia para consertá-lo
Morou mano?